Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Need a cure for chili pepper burn?

I belong to the Discovery Channel MythBusters Wiki. It's a forum with a wide variety of subjects including, would you believe, curing chili pepper burn. After all, chili peppers are very popular in many areas of the world, and most people like to eat them because of the "heat" they add to their food.

Sometimes folks overdo it though. They think they can eat anything. Or else they get a dish served to them that is a lot hotter than they expected. One bite and WOW!, he or she is in trouble. Well, take heart. There is hope when it comes to cooling the burn.

Several comments on the MythBusters Wiki suggest that some of the wiki members who reported on this subject had success using a variety of products such as warm tea ("It worked within 10 seconds."), ice cream, bread, salt, sugar and honey. Salt received some rave reviews, but so did sugar and honey. To me, it seems logical that honey and ice cream work because of the sugar content, but maybe there are other factors involved, also. And I'm wondering if the warm tea had sugar in it.

Sugar definitely has the vote of most Hispanic families according to the Wiki. A drink called Horchata which includes sugar is a popular way for them to get the sugar when younger members of the families are learning to eat chili pepper-infused foods. I won't go into detail about Horchata at this time. It deserves its own post which I will probably do tomorrow.

Meanwhile, carry a few packets of sugar with you. You never know when you will come across a great-sounding chili dish you just have to try. It could be scorcher. After all, what is really hot to you may not be all that hot to the person serving the food. You have to be prepared at all times if you live in the world of chili. Ha!

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